생활양상에 따른 여대생의 영양섭취 및 건강상태에 관한 조사연구

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A Study of Nutritional and Health Status of College Women in Relation to Living Conditions
울산지역 여대생 381명을 대상으로 1986년 4월 23일 부터 4월 30일 까지 설문조사를 통하여 영양섭취와 건강상태를 조사하여 생활양상과의 관계를 연구 하였다.

1. 대상자의 평균연령은 21세, 자택거주 86.1%, 가족 월수입은 중간정도가 72.2%이었다.

2. 식습관으로는 규칙적인 식사를 하는 경우가 아침, 점심, 저녁이 각각 50.1%, 47.0%, 53.3%이었으며 65.9%가 식생활에 문제가 있다고 생각한다.

3. 휴식상황은 59.9%가 보통정도 이었으며, 신체활동은 부족경향이 52.5%이었다.

4. 열량섭취는 평균 1931kcal이었고, 당질: 단백질: 지방의 비율은 64.7%: 13.7%: 21.6%이었다.

5. 건강상황으로 신장은 평균 160.0cm, 체중 평균 51.3kg 이었으며, 건강상태는 보통이라고 생각하는경우가 49.3%이었다. 대상자의 과반수 이상이 '눈이 피로하다' '쉽게 피로하다''졸음이 온다''가끔 어지럽다' 등의 건강이상 증세를 나타냈으며, 질환으로는 위장 질환이 39.9%로 가장 많았다.

6. 규칙적인 식사와 휴식이 잘 이루어지고 신체활동이 많은 경우 열량 및 영양소의 섭취량이 많았다.

7. 수입, 식사의 규칙성, 휴식, 신체활동, 신장, 건강상태와 열량 및 각 영양소 섭취량, 건강상태와는 순 상관관계이었고, 결식정도와 식생활에 문제가 있는 경우와는 역상관 관계이었다.

8. 규칙적인 식습관, 충분한 휴식을 한 경우 건강한 비율이 높았다.
The purpose of this was to investigate the nutrient intake and health status of collge women and analyzed the relation of living conditions.

This surver was conducted from April 23 to 30, 1986 through the questionaire from 381 college women of Ulsan city.

1. The general status of the subjects was that average age was 21 years old, 86.1% of the subjects were living with family and income was medium level.

2. The subjects taking breakfast, lunch and super regularly were 55.1%, 47.0%, and 53.3% each, two meals regularly were 34.7%, missing meals sometimes were 64.5% and having diet problem were 65.9%.

3. 59.8% of the subjects were taking rest moderately, 52.5% were in the lack of activities slightly and 52.0% had no exercise.

4. The average energy intake by the convenient method was 1931 kcal and reached up to 96.6% of the RDA. The percentage of the energy composition of carbohydrate: protein: fat was 64.7:13.7:21.6. The average intake of protein, calcium, riboflavin and niacin was higher than RDA and iron, vitamin A and Vitamin C was below the RDA.

5. The average height and weight of the subjects was 160.0㎝ and 51.3㎏. 70.0% were in thecriteria of ideal body weight,54.0㎏. The health status of subjects according to their self diagnosed answer was as follows,; The percentage of moderate health condition was 49.3%, over the half subjects felt a symptom such as 'Tire eyesight', 'Tire easily', 'Feel drowsy', 'occasional dizziness'.

6. The energy andnutrient intakes were much as the ratio of meal's regularity, rest and the physical activities is high.

7. The quantity of energy and nutrient intakes and health condition have strong interrelation with the income, meal's regularity, rest physical activities and physical conditions such as height, weight, ect, but have the inverse relation with the frequency of missing meals and deit problem.

8. The numbers of healthy subjects were high under the regular meal habit and sufficient rest.
The purpose of this was to investigate the nutrient intake and health status of collge women and analyzed the relation of living conditions.

This surver was conducted from April 23 to 30, 1986 through the questionaire from 381 college women of Ulsan city.

1. The general status of the subjects was that average age was 21 years old, 86.1% of the subjects were living with family and income was medium level.

2. The subjects taking breakfast, lunch and super regularly were 55.1%, 47.0%, and 53.3% each, two meals regularly were 34.7%, missing meals sometimes were 64.5% and having diet problem were 65.9%.

3. 59.8% of the subjects were taking rest moderately, 52.5% were in the lack of activities slightly and 52.0% had no exercise.

4. The average energy intake by the convenient method was 1931 kcal and reached up to 96.6% of the RDA. The percentage of the energy composition of carbohydrate: protein: fat was 64.7:13.7:21.6. The average intake of protein, calcium, riboflavin and niacin was higher than RDA and iron, vitamin A and Vitamin C was below the RDA.

5. The average height and weight of the subjects was 160.0㎝ and 51.3㎏. 70.0% were in thecriteria of ideal body weight,54.0㎏. The health status of subjects according to their self diagnosed answer was as follows,; The percentage of moderate health condition was 49.3%, over the half subjects felt a symptom such as 'Tire eyesight', 'Tire easily', 'Feel drowsy', 'occasional dizziness'.

6. The energy andnutrient intakes were much as the ratio of meal's regularity, rest and the physical activities is high.

7. The quantity of energy and nutrient intakes and health condition have strong interrelation with the income, meal's regularity, rest physical activities and physical conditions such as height, weight, ect, but have the inverse relation with the frequency of missing meals and deit problem.

8. The numbers of healthy subjects were high under the regular meal habit and sufficient rest.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Hong, Soon-Myung
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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