庶民主宅問題累的化現像의 要因分析에 關한 硏究

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A Study on the Cause Analysis of the Housing Problems of the Lower Income Groups
한국의 주택문제의 특징은 인구와 주택재고수와 주택공급수와의 상관관계에서 볼 때 동적수급불균형에 의한 양적낙후성과 주택실수규모별 거주자수분포와 상관관계에서 볼때 정적과밀에 의한 질적 작후성으로 요약할 수 있다. 이런한 현상의 요인은 소비자 부담틍력의 부족으로 인한 자력건설불가능계층의 누적화 경향과 공급구조의 모순으로 인한 주택문제 누적화 경향으로 분석할 수 있다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 정부 및 민가느이 각 공급주체별로 적절한 소득계층별 대상을 선정하여 각 계층의 실질부담 능력에 맞는 주택정책이 이루워져야 하고 자력건설불가능계층을 위해 정부의 임대주택건설을 위한 과감한 투자가 필요하며 저렴양산 주택건설을 위해 주택산업이 육성되어야 한다.
The Characteristics of Korean housing problems are quantitative shortage caused by the unbalance of demand and supply of the view of FLOW, and qualitative shortage caused by overcrowding from the view fo STOCK.

The Causes are the increase fo the class without capacity of self-help housing because of lower income and the increase fo housing shortage ratio because of the unreasonable housing supply mechanism.

To slove this problems, the housing policy must be established according to the income, level, goverment housing must be concentrated on the rent housing for the lower income groups, and housing industy for the low-cost and mass production must be supproted.
The Characteristics of Korean housing problems are quantitative shortage caused by the unbalance of demand and supply of the view of FLOW, and qualitative shortage caused by overcrowding from the view fo STOCK.

The Causes are the increase fo the class without capacity of self-help housing because of lower income and the increase fo housing shortage ratio because of the unreasonable housing supply mechanism.

To slove this problems, the housing policy must be established according to the income, level, goverment housing must be concentrated on the rent housing for the lower income groups, and housing industy for the low-cost and mass production must be supproted.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Yoo, Jae-Hyun
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > University of Ulsan Report
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