石油原料製品中 金屬成分의 迅速定量法에 關한 硏究
- Alternative Title
- Determination of the trace amounts of Copper and Iron in Petrochemical Products by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
- Abstract
- 單量體(Monomer)에 含有되어 있는 徵量 金屬 元素中, 特히 高分子 製品의 品質에 지장을 초래하는 銅(Cu)과 鐵(Fe) 成分의 迅速 定量法을 원자 吸光法에 依하여 檢討하였으며, 現在 各 工場에서 使用하고 있는 他 分析法과 比較하여 보았다.
The Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for the determination of trace amounts of copper and iron in the mononer which is being produced in the Ulsan petrochemical complex was carried out.
This method seems to be recommended for quality control in industry for its rapidity compared with the ordinary conventional methods which have been carried out as a routine check (there is no implication that the analysis lacks precision or accuracy, although deviations).
The atomic absorption spectrometry does not provide completely favourable answers to all these questions, but this relatively new analytical technique in industry has many commendable features and useful application, especially if trace amounts of copper and iron are to be determined.
The Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for the determination of trace amounts of copper and iron in the mononer which is being produced in the Ulsan petrochemical complex was carried out.
This method seems to be recommended for quality control in industry for its rapidity compared with the ordinary conventional methods which have been carried out as a routine check (there is no implication that the analysis lacks precision or accuracy, although deviations).
The atomic absorption spectrometry does not provide completely favourable answers to all these questions, but this relatively new analytical technique in industry has many commendable features and useful application, especially if trace amounts of copper and iron are to be determined.
- Author(s)
- 朴肯植; 兪光植
- Issued Date
- 1974
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/4648
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