小河川 流域의 形態學的 水文應答 特性에 관한 硏究(1)

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Characteristics of Geomorphological Hydrogic Response for the Small Drainage Basin
일반적으로 河川 流城의 水系網은 형태와 구성이 다양함으로 降水에 대한 流出應答 또한 복잡하게 발생하게 된다. 河川形態學의 定量的 地形學的 法則을 직접 水文應答의 변수로 결함시키는 것은 보다 합리적인 流出解析의 수단을 제공하며, Itrube et Valde등에 의해 처음 시도 되었다. 본 연구에서는 水文응답 함수로서 형태학적 순간단위도법을 선정하고, 流出解析을 시행하기 위한 일차적 연구로서 流城의 형태학적법칙의 발달 여부와 水文응답의 가장 중요한 因子인 지체시간의 특성에 대한 分析을 시도하였다. 小河川의 특성 연구를 위해 관측이 수행된 다수의 小河川 및 하천의 小流城을 선정하겨 Horton의 定量的 지형학적 법칙의 성립을 분석해 본 결과 비교적 법칙에 따라 잘 발달되어 있었으며 水文응답의 變數로 직접 적용 할 수 있음이 판명 되었다. 지체시간은 대수정규분포를 보이는 것으로 판단되며, 河川次數와 지체시간에는 Horton의 법칙과 유사한 일정한 관계가 있음을 알았다.
In general, Drainage networks posses fantastic variety of forms and shapes, and Hydrologic Response to precipitation inputs into watershed reveals complexity. It could offer an effective means to couple quautitative geomorphological analysis with the most important hydrologic variable, as was first suggested by Itrube et Valde.

This is the first step for the Rainfall-Runoff analysis with instantaneous unit hydrograph as hydrologic response function, and analysis to find the development of geomorphological law and the characteristics of basin lag time which is the most important factor of the hydrologic respone Horton's empirical laws were applied to several small basins, and they were well developed according to such geomorphological laws and known to be couple as variables of hydrologic response.

The distribution of basin lag time shows a long-normal distribution, and There is a regular relation between basin lag time and stream order.
In general, Drainage networks posses fantastic variety of forms and shapes, and Hydrologic Response to precipitation inputs into watershed reveals complexity. It could offer an effective means to couple quautitative geomorphological analysis with the most important hydrologic variable, as was first suggested by Itrube et Valde.

This is the first step for the Rainfall-Runoff analysis with instantaneous unit hydrograph as hydrologic response function, and analysis to find the development of geomorphological law and the characteristics of basin lag time which is the most important factor of the hydrologic respone Horton's empirical laws were applied to several small basins, and they were well developed according to such geomorphological laws and known to be couple as variables of hydrologic response.

The distribution of basin lag time shows a long-normal distribution, and There is a regular relation between basin lag time and stream order.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Cho, Hong-Je
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > University of Ulsan Report
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