意味辨別法으로 測定한 敎師像에 관한 一硏究
- Alternative Title
- An Exploratory Study on College Student's Image on Teacher Measured by S.D. Technique
- Abstract
- 本 硏究는 大學生이 갖는 敎師像을 意味 辨別法으로 測定·分?건歐? 위하여 40쌍의 대칭되는 形容詞間項을 사용하였다. 標集은 서울과 지방에서 4개 대학을 선정, 모두 579명으로부터 資料를 募集하였고. 資料는 全體, 性別, 系列別로 平均, 標準偏差를 算出하고, t-檢證 및 要因分析 하였으며 그 結果는 다음과 같다.
1. 全體的으로 大學生이 갖는 敎師像은 肯定的이나, 그 지지정도는 多小 中立的이어서 鮮明하지 않다. 部分的으로 活動, 力能次元에서는 否定的인 경향도 나타내고 있다. 가장 肯定的인 반응을 보인 문항은 '중요하다', '自尊心이 강하다', '精神的', '깨끗하다' 등이었고, 가장 否定的인 반응을 보인 문항은 '소심하다', '보수적이다', '방어적', '고지식하다' 등이었다.
2. 大學生의 性別에 따른 敎師像은 男學生이 女學生에 비해 훨씬 强하게 肯定皓일 경향을 나타내고 있다. 이런 경향은 '순진하다', '깨끗하다', '옳다', '똑똑하다', '헌신적이다'라는문항에서 두드러지게 나타났다.
3. 大學生의 系列別에 따른 敎師像은 非師範系가 師範系 學生에 비해 다소 肯定인 경향을 나타내고 있다. 이런 경향은 '깨끗하다', '새롭다', '의욕적'이라는 문항에서 나타나고 있다.
4. 大學生이 갖는 敎師像의 栗因構造는 "進取性"과 "誠?咸?"이 대부분을 차지하고 있는데, 이중 진취성에는 부정적인 경향을, 성실성에는 긍정적인 경향을 나타내고 있다.
以上의 結果를 토대로 볼때, 大學生에게 비쳐진 敎師의 이미지는 全般的으로는 肯定的이나, 倫理·道德的인 側面에서는 보다 肯定的 方向에서, 活動·力能面에서는 多小 否定的일 方向에서 知覺되고 있으며, 이런 경향은 男學生이나 比師範系 學生보다는 女學生, 師範系 學生에게서 더욱 두드러지게 나타나므로, 漸增하고 있는 敎職의 女性化 추세에 비추어 現行의 師範·敎職敎育에서 이에 대한 적절한 對策 마련이 있어야 할 것이다.
This study is an attempt to measure college students' image on "teacher", and to determine the factor structure of the image. This study used a semantic differential scale that was constructed with 40 bipolar adjective items. The scale was administered to 579 college students.
Mean scores were computed for every adjective pair for the male group, the female group, the teacher-training course students, non-teacher-training course students and the combined group. This analysis showed a tendency that
1) the college students, generally, had positive images on "teacher". Only on 7 items, they showed negative tendencies such as "narrow-minded, " "conservative" , "defensive" , "simple-minded" etc. The most positive responses were "important", "self-respectful", "spiritual", "clean" act.
2) Significance tests for the sex difference showed that the male students had more strongly positive images on 16 items and more negative images on 1 item on teacher than the female students. That is, the male students' images on "teacher" were more incline toward "pure", "clean", "right", "clever", "self-sacrificing", and less toward "talkative".
3) Significance tests for the course difference showed that the non-teacher-training course students had more positive images on 7 items and more negative images on 2 items on teacher than the teacher-training course students. That is, the non-teacher-training course students' images on ."teacher" were more inclined toward "clean", "new", "willingly" and less toward "difficult" , "talkative".
Among the factors, the 1st factor (Progressiveness) accounted for 25.6% of the common variance, 55% of the common variance accounted for 9 factors. This implies that "Progressiveness" dimension is the most important for assessment of the "teacher" image. But the students showed negative tendency in 1st dimension. The 2nd factor (Sincerity) accounted for 7.7% of the common variance, 14.2% of the common variance accounted for 9 factors. In 2nd dimension, the students showed positive tendency. The results imply that students have image on "teacher" who was "negative", "narrow-minded", "conservative", "defensive", "simple-minded", "weak", but "selfsacrificing", "sincere", "responsible", "clean", "believable"
This study is an attempt to measure college students' image on "teacher", and to determine the factor structure of the image. This study used a semantic differential scale that was constructed with 40 bipolar adjective items. The scale was administered to 579 college students.
Mean scores were computed for every adjective pair for the male group, the female group, the teacher-training course students, non-teacher-training course students and the combined group. This analysis showed a tendency that
1) the college students, generally, had positive images on "teacher". Only on 7 items, they showed negative tendencies such as "narrow-minded, " "conservative" , "defensive" , "simple-minded" etc. The most positive responses were "important", "self-respectful", "spiritual", "clean" act.
2) Significance tests for the sex difference showed that the male students had more strongly positive images on 16 items and more negative images on 1 item on teacher than the female students. That is, the male students' images on "teacher" were more incline toward "pure", "clean", "right", "clever", "self-sacrificing", and less toward "talkative".
3) Significance tests for the course difference showed that the non-teacher-training course students had more positive images on 7 items and more negative images on 2 items on teacher than the teacher-training course students. That is, the non-teacher-training course students' images on ."teacher" were more inclined toward "clean", "new", "willingly" and less toward "difficult" , "talkative".
Among the factors, the 1st factor (Progressiveness) accounted for 25.6% of the common variance, 55% of the common variance accounted for 9 factors. This implies that "Progressiveness" dimension is the most important for assessment of the "teacher" image. But the students showed negative tendency in 1st dimension. The 2nd factor (Sincerity) accounted for 7.7% of the common variance, 14.2% of the common variance accounted for 9 factors. In 2nd dimension, the students showed positive tendency. The results imply that students have image on "teacher" who was "negative", "narrow-minded", "conservative", "defensive", "simple-minded", "weak", but "selfsacrificing", "sincere", "responsible", "clean", "believable"
- Author(s)
- 李恩玉; 李學柱
- Issued Date
- 1985
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/4712
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