朝鮮後期의 體育思想에 關한 考察

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A study on ideas of physical Education in CHOSUN dynasty
본 연구는 조선후기 실학사상을 주도했던 세 사람의 실학자를 통해 실학에 나타난 체육사상을 고찰하였다.

실학이 추구한 것은 궁핍한 현실을 구제할 수 있는 과학기술과 실천지식을 습득하여 국민이 잘 살도록 하자는 것이었다. 이때 활쏘기, 말타기와 같은 신체활동은 인간다운 생활을 영위하는데 필요한 인격완성을 위한 한 방법으로 중요한 역할을 했음을 알 수 있다. 그러므로 실학이 지닌 체육사상은 신체활동 그 자체에 목적을 둔 것이 아니라 어떤 목적을 위한 수단 즉 인격수양을 위한 방법으로 보는 것이었다. 오늘날에 신체활동 역시 어떤 목적을 위한 수단으로 사용되는 것이므로 이러한 전통적 체육사상과 별로 다름이 없다. 단지 신체활동의 종류가 다양해지고 그에 대한 목적이 시대적 여건에 따라 달라지는 것 뿐이다. 그 당시의 사회가 武를 멸시하는 동안에 국민은 문약으로 변하고 무관의 사기는 저상되어 무예 또한 저조하였으며 이 나라 체육발전에 결정적인 저해요인이 되었다. 그 가운데서 실학사상이 대두됨에 따라 무예나 전법이 새로운 양상을 띠고 발전하였으나 그 당시의 사조는 여전히 유교적 정신과 동양적 이상국가에 그 기반을 두고 있었음으로 그 결과는 크지 못하였다. 다만, 조선후기의 실학사상이 근대적인 체육사상 확립에 많은 영향을 주었음은 부인할 수 없다 할 것이다.
This study aims to search rdeas on physical education emphasized in "Silhak" by three scholars who mainly leaded the science in late chosun dynasty. The result are as follows:

"Silhak" for developing conducted the persuit of peoples well-being through acquirement of practical and scientific technics which sould solve the problems occured in their evil days. phusical activities archering and gorse riding played and important role as one of a well-rounded persom and keep a desirable human life. Therefore, physical activities were imphasized as not a perpose in itself. But a method for the cultivation of character. These traditional ideas on physical education are little differet from todays ideas in which physical activities play a role of a method for the certain purpose. Today, pnly the purpose. Today, only the purpose goes with recent stream and there happen various kinds of physical activities. The disregard of military arts in the society of Chosun dynasty were the most important obstruction for development of physical education, and it made people fragile and generally depressed the development of military arts and moraleof military officers. Even though the apperance of "Silhak" promoted the development of military arts and strategies in various ways but the result were not significant because the trend of that times depended on confucianism and ideas of oriental ideal nations. But it is sure that the ideas of "Silhak" in late chosun dynasty had a great inference on estabilishment of modern ideas on physical education.
This study aims to search rdeas on physical education emphasized in "Silhak" by three scholars who mainly leaded the science in late chosun dynasty. The result are as follows:

"Silhak" for developing conducted the persuit of peoples well-being through acquirement of practical and scientific technics which sould solve the problems occured in their evil days. phusical activities archering and gorse riding played and important role as one of a well-rounded persom and keep a desirable human life. Therefore, physical activities were imphasized as not a perpose in itself. But a method for the cultivation of character. These traditional ideas on physical education are little differet from todays ideas in which physical activities play a role of a method for the certain purpose. Today, pnly the purpose. Today, only the purpose goes with recent stream and there happen various kinds of physical activities. The disregard of military arts in the society of Chosun dynasty were the most important obstruction for development of physical education, and it made people fragile and generally depressed the development of military arts and moraleof military officers. Even though the apperance of "Silhak" promoted the development of military arts and strategies in various ways but the result were not significant because the trend of that times depended on confucianism and ideas of oriental ideal nations. But it is sure that the ideas of "Silhak" in late chosun dynasty had a great inference on estabilishment of modern ideas on physical education.
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Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Sung Dai
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > University of Ulsan Report
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