종교적 밸러드의 연구

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A Study on Religious Ballads
종교적 밸러드는 수효에 있어서도 미미하고 그 연구 또한 활발하지 못하다. 그 개념 및 본질 역시 정밀하게 규명되어 있지 않다. 따라서 Ⅱ장에서는 개념을 우선 확정짓고, 그 후에는 작품분석을 통하여 그 주제를 파악해 내는 것이다. 주제 또한 단순하지 않다. 성서적인 주제와 비성서적인 주제가 혼재되어 있다. 주제를 表面的인 主題와 襄面的인 主題로 구별하여 분석한다. 그런데 분석의 ?嘯駭? 밸러드의 민이 성서적 주제보다는 비성서적인 주제를 선호함을 보여준다. 그들의 '성서적 핵심'은 독단적인 기독교 사상에 있는 것이 아니라 새로운 이상 사회의 인본주의에 있는 것이다. 제 Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ, Ⅵ장에서는 'Dives and Lazaus'의 死後의 應報문제, 'Judas'의 배반, 'The Cherry-Tree Carol'의 불경스러움, 'The Bitter Withy'의 비기독교적인 면을 순서대로 다룬다.

1. 엄밀하게 말하자면 종교적 밸러드란 주제에 따른 분류라기 보다는 題材에 따른 분류로 본다.

2. 종교적 밸러드의 희귀함은 밸러드의 民이 종교교리에 친숙하지 않음을 의미한다. 이러한 태도는 종교적 밸러드내에서도 드러난다.

3. 약자의 노래인 밸러드에는 당대에 용인되고 있는 주제는 표면적으로 내놓고, 진정으로 民이 말하고 싶은 주제인 이면적 주제는 작품내에 따로 있다.

4. 이면적 주제는 구석구석에 숨어있어서 찾아내기 어렵다. 표면적 주제는 작품내에서 뚜렷이 나타나 있지만, 이면적 주제는 말씨, 어휘, 사건의 해석방향 등에 부분부분 나타나 있다.

5. 종교적 밸러드의 이면적 주제는 봉건적 가부장적 사회의 여성경시 풍조에 대한 항거, 독단적이고 추상적인 종교교리의 배격, 인간?? 수단화 반대, 수직적 사회구조에 대한 반발 등이며, 궁극적으로는 남녀 평등의 실천, 신으로부터 인간의 해방, 인간애를 바탕으로하는 수평적 사회구조, 경험적인 현실주의의 주창 등이다.개괄하자면 중세사회의 神本主義. 家父長的 사회질서의 붕괴와 人本主義. 水平的 사회질서의 도래를 꿈꾸는 것이 종교적 밸러드의 이면적 주제이다.

6. 본 연구를 통하여 종교적 밸러드의 본질은 기독교적 종교성에 있는 것이 아니라 오히려 인본주의적 비종교성에 있음이 밝혀졌다.

Religious ballads are rare and only a few papers on them are produced. And the definition and literary traits of 'religious ballad' are not fully studied. The purpose of this paper is to difine the term 'religious ballad' and to fine out its themes: biblical and non-biblical ones. To explain the contradictory thems in the same ballad, the terms 'exteral theme' and 'internal them'are introduced. ChapterⅠdeals with the significance and the aims of the study. Chapter Ⅱ defines the term 'religious ballad.'Chapters Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅵ examine the differences between Bible stories and those of "Dives and Lazarus," "Judas," "The Cherry-Tree Carol," "The Bitter Withy." The chapters focus on non-biblical themes: the punishment and reward after death, the treachery, the blasphemy and the unchristianity.

The conclusions are as follows:

1. Most scholars are said to classify the religious ballads by themes. But they, in the strict sense, classify them by subject.

2. A prucity of religious ballads means that ballad folk are not interested in religious thoughts and dogmas. And such an attitude is also revealed within religious ballads themselves. 3. Ballad folk, the weaker part of people, could not express their own feelings and thoughts freely in ballads. That's because the aristocrats, males and churchmen ruled the people strongly. This leads them to show the accepted morals and themes outwardly and to conceal the folk's ideas of religion and society inwardly.

4. Their own attitudes and emotions are not revealed in the whold structure of a ballad but expressed in the details of events, diction, and vocabulary.

5. Internal themes of religious ballads are the protests against the contempt of females in the feudal patriarchal society, and against the negligence of humanthoughts forced by dogmatic and abstract religion. They can be regarded as struggles for the equality of the sexes, liberation of humanities, and progmatic life.

6. The ture nature of religious ballads lies not in religious thoughts and dogmas, but in non-biblical humanism and realism
Religious ballads are rare and only a few papers on them are produced. And the definition and literary traits of 'religious ballad' are not fully studied. The purpose of this paper is to difine the term 'religious ballad' and to fine out its themes: biblical and non-biblical ones. To explain the contradictory thems in the same ballad, the terms 'exteral theme' and 'internal them'are introduced. ChapterⅠdeals with the significance and the aims of the study. Chapter Ⅱ defines the term 'religious ballad.'Chapters Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅵ examine the differences between Bible stories and those of "Dives and Lazarus," "Judas," "The Cherry-Tree Carol," "The Bitter Withy." The chapters focus on non-biblical themes: the punishment and reward after death, the treachery, the blasphemy and the unchristianity.

The conclusions are as follows:

1. Most scholars are said to classify the religious ballads by themes. But they, in the strict sense, classify them by subject.

2. A prucity of religious ballads means that ballad folk are not interested in religious thoughts and dogmas. And such an attitude is also revealed within religious ballads themselves. 3. Ballad folk, the weaker part of people, could not express their own feelings and thoughts freely in ballads. That's because the aristocrats, males and churchmen ruled the people strongly. This leads them to show the accepted morals and themes outwardly and to conceal the folk's ideas of religion and society inwardly.

4. Their own attitudes and emotions are not revealed in the whold structure of a ballad but expressed in the details of events, diction, and vocabulary.

5. Internal themes of religious ballads are the protests against the contempt of females in the feudal patriarchal society, and against the negligence of humanthoughts forced by dogmatic and abstract religion. They can be regarded as struggles for the equality of the sexes, liberation of humanities, and progmatic life.

6. The ture nature of religious ballads lies not in religious thoughts and dogmas, but in non-biblical humanism and realism
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Research Laboratory
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