中國의 開放外交와 對 韓半島政策

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China's Open-door Policy and The Perspective to Korean Peninsula
1980年代 들어와서 韓國과 中國關係느 급속히 進展되고 있다. 兩國關係는 1970年代 初半까지만 해도 敵對的인 關係를 維持해 왔으나 國際情勢의 급격한 變化, 鄧小平體制下의 實用主意政策 1986年 및 88年 아시아 경기대회 및 올림픽참가, ?泰愚大統領의 7.7宣言 에 따라 最近에는 公式的이고도 直接的인 關係로 發展되고 있다.

北方政策의 一環으로 對中國關係를 改善하고다 하는 韓國측 立場에서 볼 때 이러한 狀況展開는 매우 바람직한 일이다.

政治的인 면에서 볼 때 韓.中間의 關係改善은 韓半島에 平和를 保障하는데 크게 寄與할 것이며, 兩國間의 關係改善으로 中國이 北韓의 武力挑發을 支持하지 않음으로서 戰爭抑制 役割을 하게 될 것이다. 또한 對 中國關係 改善은 다른 共産圈 國家들과의 韓國에 대한 公式關係를 促進할 수 있는 계기가 될 것이다.

經濟的으로는 韓國은 中國의 풍부한 地下資源과 據大한 市場으로부터 利益을 얻을 수 있으며 中國을 韓國?? 對共産圈貿易據大의 前哨基地로 活用할 수 있을 것이다. 또한 兩國間의 交易은 여태껏 韓國이 對美,對日에 置重되어온 貿易依存度을 낮춤으로서 一部國家에 偏重되고 있는 貿易關係를 ?皮하여 經濟의 多邊化를 꾀하게 될 것이다.

本 論文의 硏究目的은 制限된 資料이지만 時時刻刻으로 變하는 韓.中關係가 登小平의 實用主意政策으로 인하여 어떤 변화를 초래 하였는지를 여러측면에서 살펴보고 이것이 韓國에 미치는 影響을 고찰해 보는데 意義가 있다.
Starting in the early 1980s, the relationship between Korea and China is rapidly improving. The wto countries stimulated by such factors as rapidly changing world situations, pragmatic policies of China under Deng Xiaping regime, participation in the Asian Games in 1986,7.7 declaration in 1988 by the Korean President, they are now developing a formal, direct relationship.

From the standpoint of Korea which has been seeking an improvment in its relationship with China as a part of North-bound policy, it is a hopeful situation.

Upon improving this relationship with China, Korea will have several benefits. Politically, as improved relationship would greatly contribute to the enduring peace in the peninsular. It would lead to the pragmatic Policy on the part of China that it would not support North Korea's military attack on the South which will keep the North from trying. Another political benefit that Korea can draw from it is that it would facilitate other socialist countries to seek a formal relation with Korea.

Economically, Korean can benefit form China's various kinds of natural resoutces and a vast market which can serve as a base for Korea's market expanding policies to other socialist countries. Also a trade with China would solve various trading problems that Korea faces with U.S. and Japan an contribute to ther economic independence of Korea from these two countries.

The purpose of this study is to explore various aspects of China's relationship with Korea that starts with the pragmatic policies of Deng Xiaoping and their impact on Korea.
Starting in the early 1980s, the relationship between Korea and China is rapidly improving. The wto countries stimulated by such factors as rapidly changing world situations, pragmatic policies of China under Deng Xiaping regime, participation in the Asian Games in 1986,7.7 declaration in 1988 by the Korean President, they are now developing a formal, direct relationship.

From the standpoint of Korea which has been seeking an improvment in its relationship with China as a part of North-bound policy, it is a hopeful situation.

Upon improving this relationship with China, Korea will have several benefits. Politically, as improved relationship would greatly contribute to the enduring peace in the peninsular. It would lead to the pragmatic Policy on the part of China that it would not support North Korea's military attack on the South which will keep the North from trying. Another political benefit that Korea can draw from it is that it would facilitate other socialist countries to seek a formal relation with Korea.

Economically, Korean can benefit form China's various kinds of natural resoutces and a vast market which can serve as a base for Korea's market expanding policies to other socialist countries. Also a trade with China would solve various trading problems that Korea faces with U.S. and Japan an contribute to ther economic independence of Korea from these two countries.

The purpose of this study is to explore various aspects of China's relationship with Korea that starts with the pragmatic policies of Deng Xiaoping and their impact on Korea.
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Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Myung-Soo
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > University of Ulsan Report
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