中央集權化와 地方自治에 관한 硏究

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A Study on the Administrative Centralization and the Local Government
지방자치는 현재 이론의 면에 있어서 뿐만 아니라 실천의 면에 있어서도 사람들이 대단한 관심을 가지게 되었다. 학문연구의 분야에서 이 문제는 제과학의 공유영역으로 된듯이 보여진다. 법학, 정치학, 행정학, 재정학, 역사학 등을 비롯하여 경제학, 사회학, 사회심리학, 민속학, 동시공학, 개발학 등에 이르기까지 많은 과학이 지방자치를 그 연구대상으로 선택하고 있으며 문제 그 자체가 다양한 측면을 포용하고 있는 사실을 이해할 수 있다. 실천의 면에 있어서도 각지의 주민운동의 빈발, community center의 등장, civil minimum의 요구, 일상생활의 진개처리, 공해방지, 자연환경의 보전과 생활환경의 개선등 종래와는 다른 양상의 지역문제가 새로운 조명을 받고 있다.이론, 실천, 양면에 있어서의 문제해명의 방법은 상호 밀접한 관련을 가지고 있으며, 지방자치의 의미와 활동을 중핵으로 한 종합적인 학문체계가 필요하게 된 것이다.

특히 고도성장기에 있어서 경제적인 효율성과 균질성, 획일성의 추구는 중앙과 지방과의 행재정사무의 재분배, 기관위임사무, 광역행정, 보조금행정 등을 통하여 국가중심의 중앙집권적 통치구조를 다시 강력하게 만들고, 동시에 지방에서는 그 귀결고서 도시문제, 환경, 공해문제, 과소 과밀문제 등의 심각한 사회문제가 야기되었고 여기에서 국민, 주민의 생존과 기본적인권 및 민주주의 옹호의 고나점에서 지방자치제도의 전면적인 수정 내지 재겸토가 촉구되는 ?痼甄?.
The issue of local government is drawing uncommon interest among people engaged in the fields related with it theoretically or practically, which has led its study into the dimension of interdisciplinary research.

This scientific object assumes such a multifarious aspect that sciences of law, politics, administrative management, history, economics, sociology, socio-psychology folklore, urban technology, and development have chosen this phenomenon as their research object. Even on the level of its practise, a new type of activities quite different from the conventional one draws our attention, for example, the activated movement of inhabitants, the establishment of community center, a demand for civil minimum, the purification of sewage, the preservation of natural environment and the prmotion of human environment.

These practical matters are so colsely interrrelated with theoretical approaches that a macho scientific system is required to conduct this interdisciplinarey tasks.

Economic efficiency, standarization accepted as an indisputable virture during the high economic development stage, has caused the redistribution of financial affairs between the central and local government public administration covering wide area and local government on subsidies. While these contributed to strenthening the central government power, these resulted in urban problems, pollution and the unbalanced distribution of inhabitants.

These social phenomena demand us to reconsider and revise the local government to a great extent in the light of survival of inhaitants, human basic rights and defense of demacracy in its best sense.
The issue of local government is drawing uncommon interest among people engaged in the fields related with it theoretically or practically, which has led its study into the dimension of interdisciplinary research.

This scientific object assumes such a multifarious aspect that sciences of law, politics, administrative management, history, economics, sociology, socio-psychology folklore, urban technology, and development have chosen this phenomenon as their research object. Even on the level of its practise, a new type of activities quite different from the conventional one draws our attention, for example, the activated movement of inhabitants, the establishment of community center, a demand for civil minimum, the purification of sewage, the preservation of natural environment and the prmotion of human environment.

These practical matters are so colsely interrrelated with theoretical approaches that a macho scientific system is required to conduct this interdisciplinarey tasks.

Economic efficiency, standarization accepted as an indisputable virture during the high economic development stage, has caused the redistribution of financial affairs between the central and local government public administration covering wide area and local government on subsidies. While these contributed to strenthening the central government power, these resulted in urban problems, pollution and the unbalanced distribution of inhabitants.

These social phenomena demand us to reconsider and revise the local government to a great extent in the light of survival of inhaitants, human basic rights and defense of demacracy in its best sense.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Woo-Sung
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > University of Ulsan Report
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