「텅그스텐」活性燒結體의 組織特性에 관하여
- Alternative Title
- The Sintered Structure of eht Tungsten Activatedly Sintered Compacts
- Abstract
- 活性燒結性을 W제품에 응용하기 위해 微量의 Ni을 첨가한 텅그스텐 성형체의 소결거동과 조직특성을 조사하였다. 燒結초기 단계에서 활성소결에 기인한 fast sintering으로 인해 agglomerate phase가 관찰 되었으며 소결중간단계에서는 agglomerate된 粒子와 結晶粒 成長된 結晶粒에서는 Ni-rich phase가 편석되어 있음이 아울러 관찰되었다.
소결진행에 따른 粉末粒度와 소결시간과의 변수, 조직특성 기계적 성질과의 관계를 실험적으로 구했으며 이들에 대한 논의를 행했다.
The Sintering behavior of Ni-doped tungsten compacts as well as its related microstructure was investigated with hoping that the activated sintering might be applied to the tugnsten products.
In the early stage of sintering, an agglomerate sintered phase could be obseved, which was formed by fast sintering of powder compact. A mixed phase of the agglomerate particles and somewhat grown grains was observed in the middle stage, after prolonged sintering time, the extensive grain growth was also observed, where the Ni-rich precipitated phase between W-grains.
The relationship between sintering parameters and the structural and mechanical featrues of the sintered compact for the various patricle size was experimentally determined and discussed.
The Sintering behavior of Ni-doped tungsten compacts as well as its related microstructure was investigated with hoping that the activated sintering might be applied to the tugnsten products.
In the early stage of sintering, an agglomerate sintered phase could be obseved, which was formed by fast sintering of powder compact. A mixed phase of the agglomerate particles and somewhat grown grains was observed in the middle stage, after prolonged sintering time, the extensive grain growth was also observed, where the Ni-rich precipitated phase between W-grains.
The relationship between sintering parameters and the structural and mechanical featrues of the sintered compact for the various patricle size was experimentally determined and discussed.
- Author(s)
- 權永珣
- Issued Date
- 1980
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/4801
- 공개 및 라이선스
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