退溪· 栗谷의 詩觀과 時調

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Lee Whang & Lee Yi: Their Poetic Theories and Practice
李朝 中朝 士大夫 계층을 대표하는 退溪·栗谷의 詩觀과 時調를 검토함으로써 그들의 世界觀을 바탕으로한 文學作品의 美的構造를 밝힘이 本攷의 目的이다. 退溪는 儒家的 理念 具現의 「溫柔敦厚」의 詩論을 내세웠고, 栗谷은 「優柔忠厚」를 표방하여 沖淡·淡泊의 節制된 情緖표현을 崇尙하였다. 兩者 모두 功利的인 詩觀의 배경은 공통되나, 退溪는 文學의 敎訓的 機能에 치중하여 「陶山十二曲」과 같은 目的主義的 道德歌를 남기었고, 栗谷은 文學을 通한 當代的 生의 完成을 추구하여 「高山九曲歌」와 같은 自然親和의 作品을 남기었다. 이들의 自然歸依는 隱遁과 逃避가 아닌, 心性 함양의 터전이요 自我完成의 무대임에 意義가 있다.

詩作品의 美的構造를 分析하면, 退溪의 「陶山十二曲」은 그 지나친 目的主義的·功利的 世界觀에 의해 圖式化되고 觀念化된 自然描寫가 詩的 表現美를 喪失하고 戒世的 警句로 떨어짐을 보겠고, 栗谷의 「高山九曲歌」는 風流와 興으로 집약되는 그의 詩境을 自然에의 沒入과 同化를 바탕으로 抒情化하였음을 보겠다. 栗谷의 경우 自然을 素材로 한 순환적 時間構造 위에 이미지를 통한 情緖의 具象化는 次元높은 詩的 形象力을 보여준 것이다.
The two great scholars and poets of Yi Dynasty, Lee Whang(李滉) and Lee Yi(李珥), diverged in their poetic creation, though the utilitarian view of poetry was the common background of their poetic theories. The found poetic materials in nature and pursued true harmony with it in their poetic creation. In Lee Whang we can trace didactical trends, while Lee Yi expressed his aesthetic experience of nature in his poems.

"The Twelve Songs in Do-san(陶山十二曲), by Lee Whang has a tendency to be a stock of epigrams because of his description of idealized nature, while 'The Nine Songs in Go-san(高山九曲歌), by Lee Yi embodied the circular time structure and interspersed spacial images, which resulted in elegant and lyrical poetic effects.
The two great scholars and poets of Yi Dynasty, Lee Whang(李滉) and Lee Yi(李珥), diverged in their poetic creation, though the utilitarian view of poetry was the common background of their poetic theories. The found poetic materials in nature and pursued true harmony with it in their poetic creation. In Lee Whang we can trace didactical trends, while Lee Yi expressed his aesthetic experience of nature in his poems.

"The Twelve Songs in Do-san(陶山十二曲), by Lee Whang has a tendency to be a stock of epigrams because of his description of idealized nature, while 'The Nine Songs in Go-san(高山九曲歌), by Lee Yi embodied the circular time structure and interspersed spacial images, which resulted in elegant and lyrical poetic effects.
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Research Laboratory
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울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > University of Ulsan Report
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