海外直接投資 理論에 對한 體系的 考察

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A Survey on the Foreign Direct Investment Theories
本論文에서는 最近 國際經營學 分野에서 대단한 關心을 집중시키고 있는 海外直接投資에 대해서 그동안 開發된 諸理論들을 體系的으로 分析 整理해 보고, 各理論들이 지니고 있는 限界點을 檢討해 봄으로써 海外直接投資에 대한 一般理論의 開發에 보탬이 되고, 우리나라 海外直接投資 理論의 開發에 出發點을 제시하고자 하였다.

海外直接投資에 관한 理論은 대단히 많고 그 說明力 또한 差異가 많기 때문에 本論文에서는 이들을 理論으로 보지 않고 假設로 다루었다.

先進國의 경우 海外直接投資가 이루어지기 위해서는 企業特有의 優位, 內部化 優位, 立地優位의 세 가지 條件이 갖추어져야 하는 식으로 보이며, 이 立場은 던닝의 折衰理論에 의해 가장 잘 代表 되는 것으로 結論지을 수 있겠다. 개발도상국의 경우에는 先進國 理論을 그대로 適用하려는 立場, 開途國 固有의 理論을 개발하려는 立場 및 先進國 理論을 修正適用 하려는 立場 等이 있으나 대체로 그 理論的인 골격은 折衰理論의 構造를 벗어나지 않는 것으로 보여진다.

따라서, 韓國의 海外直接投資 理論을 開發함에 있어서도 基本的으로 析衰理論의 立場에써 出發해 보는 것이 좋을 듯하다.
An attempt is made in this paper to survey systematically various publications on foreign direct investment (FDI) which concentrates a great concern in international business field in recent years.

The purpose of this survey is to suggest a guideline for the development of general theory on FDI and a starting point in developing a theory on the FDI of Korea through comparative approach to the various theories.

Since there is not one but a number of competing theories with varying degrees of power to explain FDI, they are treated in this paper as hypothesis.

The concluding observations may be summarized as follows. In case of the developed countries, the determinants of FDI seem to be consisted of firm-specific advantage, internalization advantage and location-specific advantage, and it seems that the representative hypothesis of this viewpoint is the "Eclectic Theory" develpoed by Dunning.

And for the FDI of developing countries, three types of hypotheses could be found. The first was to apply the theory developed for the advanced countries' FDI, and the second was to develop unique theory for the developing countries' FDI, and the third was to apply the modified form of advanced countries' FDI theory.

The basic framework of the above three hypotheses seems, however, very similiar to that of the "Eclectic Theory. " Therefore, I think that the viewpoint of "Eclectic Theory" can suggest the guidelines for the development of a basic theory on the FDI of Korea.
An attempt is made in this paper to survey systematically various publications on foreign direct investment (FDI) which concentrates a great concern in international business field in recent years.

The purpose of this survey is to suggest a guideline for the development of general theory on FDI and a starting point in developing a theory on the FDI of Korea through comparative approach to the various theories.

Since there is not one but a number of competing theories with varying degrees of power to explain FDI, they are treated in this paper as hypothesis.

The concluding observations may be summarized as follows. In case of the developed countries, the determinants of FDI seem to be consisted of firm-specific advantage, internalization advantage and location-specific advantage, and it seems that the representative hypothesis of this viewpoint is the "Eclectic Theory" develpoed by Dunning.

And for the FDI of developing countries, three types of hypotheses could be found. The first was to apply the theory developed for the advanced countries' FDI, and the second was to develop unique theory for the developing countries' FDI, and the third was to apply the modified form of advanced countries' FDI theory.

The basic framework of the above three hypotheses seems, however, very similiar to that of the "Eclectic Theory. " Therefore, I think that the viewpoint of "Eclectic Theory" can suggest the guidelines for the development of a basic theory on the FDI of Korea.
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Research Laboratory
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울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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