A New Interpretation in Keats's 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'

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키이츠의 '希臘古甕賦'에 관한 硏究
現代는 輕薄하고 皮相的인 一時的인 價値밖에 없는 그것들이 오히려 우리들의 大部分 속에 자리를 차지하고 있다. 換言하면, 現代는 바로 詩가 存在하기에는 너무나 絶望的인 狀況이다. 바로 그러한 理由로하여 詩의 存在價値가 더욱 높을지도 모른다.-어두울수록 빛이 더욱 빛나는 것처럼-

人類의 廣大한 歷史으 흐름이 持續되는 限에는 永遠히 人生과 더불어 새로운 意味를 賦與하는 詩의 世界에서 키이츠의 確固한 位置와 그의 詩的 業蹟의 偉大함은 周知의 事實이다. 高尙하고 眞摯하여 深奧한 그의 詩一篇을 찾아 每?셈? 細密히 파헤쳐 感想을 통한 比評을 加함으로써 本詩의 高次元的인 意味와 複雜性을 分析하여 再整理 하고자 한다. 특히 筆者는 本詩의 分析過程을 통하여 나타나는 全體的인 詩的 이미지와 意味의 相關 關係에서 美的 價値에 대한 詩人 키이츠의 特異하고 놀랄만한 視眼과 想像力을 ?求해 보았다.
Keats's Ode on a Grecian Urn', which is one of the most familiar poems in English, is also one of the most argued over. The first point of content is the theme of the poem. The Poet Robert Bridge summed up much earlier criticism by stating that 'Ode' is about 'Supremacy of Art over Nature, because of its unchanging expression of perfection', but a number of critics have since challenged this view. The second enigma which the poem poses is the meaning of its last two lines, particularly of the truth-beatry aphorism, which has been interpreted in a great variety of ways.

Interpretation of poetry is one of conducting the balanced judgement or a type of proving with seneral reasons and interesting conditions. One is that, although it is frequently thought to be totally unscientific, it combines induction and deduction. Of course the main of evidence is citation of the poem itself.

But there are many others methods. In spite of a trend in modern criticism to discount all evidence outside of the poem under analysis, these other sources of synthetic evaluation and arrangements often seem useful to have a good experience on his poetic creative powers.
Keats's Ode on a Grecian Urn', which is one of the most familiar poems in English, is also one of the most argued over. The first point of content is the theme of the poem. The Poet Robert Bridge summed up much earlier criticism by stating that 'Ode' is about 'Supremacy of Art over Nature, because of its unchanging expression of perfection', but a number of critics have since challenged this view. The second enigma which the poem poses is the meaning of its last two lines, particularly of the truth-beatry aphorism, which has been interpreted in a great variety of ways.

Interpretation of poetry is one of conducting the balanced judgement or a type of proving with seneral reasons and interesting conditions. One is that, although it is frequently thought to be totally unscientific, it combines induction and deduction. Of course the main of evidence is citation of the poem itself.

But there are many others methods. In spite of a trend in modern criticism to discount all evidence outside of the poem under analysis, these other sources of synthetic evaluation and arrangements often seem useful to have a good experience on his poetic creative powers.
Kwon, Eui-Moo
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Research Laboratory
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