Decomposition of regular openness of sets
- Alternative Title
- 집합의 정칙 개 분할
- Abstract
- 정칙개집합과 정칙반개집합의 정의에 의하여, 우리는 그들의 제 성질들을 알아보고, 정칙개집합의 분할에 관한정리, 즉 정칙개집합이 되기 위한 필요충분조건은 개집합이고 동시에 정칙반개집합임을 보인다. 끝으로 새로운 분리공리들을 정의하여 그들 상호간의 포함관계를 알아본다.
By definitions of a regular open set and a regular semiopen set, we find their properties and show the theorem on the decomposition of a regular open set, that is, a set is regular open if and only if it is open and regular semiopen. Finally, we define new separation axioms and find the implications between them in the part 'application'.
By definitions of a regular open set and a regular semiopen set, we find their properties and show the theorem on the decomposition of a regular open set, that is, a set is regular open if and only if it is open and regular semiopen. Finally, we define new separation axioms and find the implications between them in the part 'application'.
- Author(s)
- S.N. Maheshwari; Chae, Gyu Ihn; S.S. Thakur
- Issued Date
- 1981
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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