Jump Into Another Catch

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Jump Into Another Catch
본 연구는 일견 풍자와 환상적인 이미지, 그리고 황당무계한 대화로 가득찬 Joseph Heller의 첫 작품 Catch-22의 내면 구조를 살펴 본 것이다. 이 작품의 밑 바닥에는 어둡고 비극적인 분위기가 짙게 깔려 있어, 외면적인 희극적 분위기와 어울려 작품 전체의 균형을 이루고 있다. 이 비극적 분위기는 조직사회의 모순에 대한 Yossarian의 인식과, 더 나아가 모든 인간의 비극에 대한 인식, 그에 따른 그의 고립감에 기인하고 있다. 물론 이 작품은 모순에 찬 전시군대사회로부터 자신을 구하기 위해 반항하고 거부하다 결국은 탈출하는 한 공군장교의 이야기로 요약할 수 있다. 그러나 그의 탈출은 결국 또 다른 함정에로의 도약일 뿐, 인간의 근본적인 모순과 위협을 결코 벗어날 수 없다. Catch-22는 바로 그러한 상황을 의미한다. 그렇다 하더라도 그의 탈출은 진정한 자유의 추구이며, 자아를 實現하려는 모색이요, 스스로가 선택한 행동이란 점에서 그 중요성을 가진다.
In this paper I tried to disclose the internal logic of Joseph Heller's first novel Catch-22 which is seemingly full of chaotic and fantastic episodes, and nonsensical dialogues. The try naturally lead me to pay much attention to the reaction of Yossarian, the hero, against the situation he is in, and to investigate the comic invention and the tragic mood underlying it. The underlying tragic mood of the work is mainly due to Yossarian's perception of his moral isolation, the irrationality of the army and the war, and the absurdities of human conditions. In the end he jumps to escape from the situation, only to be caught in another. That's what the catch-22 seems to imply in the story. Nevertheless, the attempt is worth making, in that it is not compelled by the army authority, the organization, but chosen by his own free will..
In this paper I tried to disclose the internal logic of Joseph Heller's first novel Catch-22 which is seemingly full of chaotic and fantastic episodes, and nonsensical dialogues. The try naturally lead me to pay much attention to the reaction of Yossarian, the hero, against the situation he is in, and to investigate the comic invention and the tragic mood underlying it. The underlying tragic mood of the work is mainly due to Yossarian's perception of his moral isolation, the irrationality of the army and the war, and the absurdities of human conditions. In the end he jumps to escape from the situation, only to be caught in another. That's what the catch-22 seems to imply in the story. Nevertheless, the attempt is worth making, in that it is not compelled by the army authority, the organization, but chosen by his own free will..
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Bae,Jong Un
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > University of Ulsan Report
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