Le Corbusier의 Towards a New Architecture에 대한 분석과 그의 建築觀에 對한 연구
- Alternative Title
- The Analysis and Architectural Theory on Le Corbusier's "Towards a New Architecture"
- Abstract
- 本考는 近代建築에서 가장 큰 影響을 준 것중의 하나인 Le Corbusier의 建築에 關한 첫 번째 저서에 대한 紹介와 이의 分析에 대한 시도이다.
「Towards a New Architecture」에 나타난 그의 建築觀은 多樣하고 鼓舞的이다.
그의 이 저서를 통하여 近代建築에 관한 어떠한 저서보다도 가장 많은 影響을 주었고 또한 이것을 說得力있게 얘기하고 있다.
本考는 그의 건축판을 새로운 관점에서 分析 評價해보려는 의도에서 접근해 본 것이다.
In this essay, I introduced and analyzed Le Corbusier's first book on architecture, which was to prove to be one of the most influential.
The idea of ,Towards a new Architecture' is various and ambiguous. But in any case, it was precisely the rediscovery of the old in the new, this justification of the revolutionary by the familiar, that ensured the book its enormous readership, and an influence, inevitably superficial, beyond that of any other architectural work published in this century to date.
In this essay, I introduced and analyzed Le Corbusier's first book on architecture, which was to prove to be one of the most influential.
The idea of ,Towards a new Architecture' is various and ambiguous. But in any case, it was precisely the rediscovery of the old in the new, this justification of the revolutionary by the familiar, that ensured the book its enormous readership, and an influence, inevitably superficial, beyond that of any other architectural work published in this century to date.
- Author(s)
- 李相海
- Issued Date
- 1979
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/5005
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