정신과에 대한 한 의과대학 졸업반 학생들의 태도조사

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A Preliminary Study of the Senior Medical Students' Attitudes toowards Psychiatry
정신과에 대한 의대생들의 태도를 조사하기 위해서 정신과 임상실습을 마친 S대학교 의과대학 본과 4학년 학생들 중에서 본 연구의 설문조사에 자원응답한 70명의 자료를 분석하였다.

의대생들의 56%는 정신과가 비과학적이고 애매한 학문이라는 견해를 부정하였다.

또한 90%는 환자의 감정적 문제를 다룰 필요가 있다고 보았다.

타과의사들과 수입을 비교할 때 반수정도가 보통이라고 하였다. 83%의 의대생들은 정신과에 매력을 느끼고, 69%는 지적 성취를 할 수 있다고 보았다.

그러나, 정신과 의사의 역할과 임상심리학자나 사회사업가의 역?弩? 구분하는데 혼동이 있었다.

결과는 대부분의 의대생들이 정신과 의사와 직업으로서의 정신과에 대해 긍적적인 태도를 가진 것으로 나타났다.
The attitudes of medical students towards psychiatry are important as they influence recruitment to psychiatry and clinical practice.

In order to evaluate the attitudes of medical students towards psychiatry, the authors administered a questionnaire to 70 senior student volunteers of College of Medicine, Seoul National University.

The results are summarized as follows;

Psychiatrists are .not regarded by most medical students as unclear thinkers.

Medical students don't think that psychiatrists abuse patients' legal rights, treat only relatively healthy patients.

Most medical students affirm the importance of dealing with their patients' emotional problems.

But, the roles of psychiatrists are confused with those of psychologists and social workers.

Psychiatry, as a vocation, is not regarded by most medical students as unscientific, imprecise, ineffective and low in status.

Most medical students don't agree that stigmatization or pressure to choose another field are common.

This study showed that most senior medical students are favorable about psychiatrists and psychiatry.
The attitudes of medical students towards psychiatry are important as they influence recruitment to psychiatry and clinical practice.

In order to evaluate the attitudes of medical students towards psychiatry, the authors administered a questionnaire to 70 senior student volunteers of College of Medicine, Seoul National University.

The results are summarized as follows;

Psychiatrists are .not regarded by most medical students as unclear thinkers.

Medical students don't think that psychiatrists abuse patients' legal rights, treat only relatively healthy patients.

Most medical students affirm the importance of dealing with their patients' emotional problems.

But, the roles of psychiatrists are confused with those of psychologists and social workers.

Psychiatry, as a vocation, is not regarded by most medical students as unscientific, imprecise, ineffective and low in status.

Most medical students don't agree that stigmatization or pressure to choose another field are common.

This study showed that most senior medical students are favorable about psychiatrists and psychiatry.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Park, In-HoLee, ChulHan, Oh-SuKim, Chang-YoonPark, Hee-Gwan
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Research Laboratory > The ULSAN university medical journal
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