우등고속버스 시트 개발에 관한 연구

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첨단과학의 발달과 그에따른 각종 공학의 발전은 운송수단에 있어 그 성능과 기능을 발달시켰으나 시트에 대한 성과는 그에 못미치고 있는 실정이다.

시트의 개발은 디자인 중심이 되거나 또는 기술 중심이 될지라도 근본적으로는 '인간중심'이어야 한다.

시트개발에 있어 절대적인 요소는 인간공학적 관점에서부터 고려되어야 한다는 것은 두말한 나위가 없다. 그러나 오로지 인간공학적 측면만 고려한다면 그것은 오히려 정신적, 육체적 긴장을 초래할 수밖에 없다. ?聆岵? 인체측정치를 적용한 의자가 반드시 편안한 의자가 되지는 않기 때문이다. 시트개발은 미적인 디자인적 측면과 기능적인 공학적인 측면 그리고 인간중심적인 인간공학적 측면의 세분야가 조화를 이루어야 좋은 결과를 얻을 수 있다.

본 연구의 sodydd은 크게 다음의 두가지로 나누어 졌다.

첫째, 문헌자료를 통해 시트의 근본적인 의의와 인간공학적 면을 조사하고 설문조사를 통해 기존 시트의 문제점과 승객의 고속버스 사용실태를 조사하였다.

둘째, 문제점의 타당성과 제안의 동기 인식을 규명하고 새로운 시트에 대한 제안과 디자인 방향을 모색해 보았다.
According as the updated science and other engineering are developed, the performance and the function of the transportation vehicles are developing at the same time, while an effect of the seat do not satisfy that.

The seat must be developed basically by putting 'Human First', although its design or technology may be important.

Also, the seat must be developed absolutely in consideration of the engineering for human, However, if only this respect is considered, that sill be result in mental and physical tension. That's why the seat which the best measuring value of the human body is applied to, is not always comfortable one. The seat may be successfully developed when the technology in the faver of the human as well as the design and functional technology must be harmonized.

The contents of this study are divided into 2 part as follows;

Fists, the basic meaning human technological aspects of the seat have been researched though the written data, and also through the survey, problems of the existing seat and actual condition of the Express Bus used by passengers.

Second, it has been tried to find out the proposal and future design for a new seat after examining if the problem and the cause recognition for the proposal were reasonable.
According as the updated science and other engineering are developed, the performance and the function of the transportation vehicles are developing at the same time, while an effect of the seat do not satisfy that.

The seat must be developed basically by putting 'Human First', although its design or technology may be important.

Also, the seat must be developed absolutely in consideration of the engineering for human, However, if only this respect is considered, that sill be result in mental and physical tension. That's why the seat which the best measuring value of the human body is applied to, is not always comfortable one. The seat may be successfully developed when the technology in the faver of the human as well as the design and functional technology must be harmonized.

The contents of this study are divided into 2 part as follows;

Fists, the basic meaning human technological aspects of the seat have been researched though the written data, and also through the survey, problems of the existing seat and actual condition of the Express Bus used by passengers.

Second, it has been tried to find out the proposal and future design for a new seat after examining if the problem and the cause recognition for the proposal were reasonable.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Baek, Woon-Ho
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Journal of design
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  • 공개 구분공개
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