울산광역시를 위한 도시특성화 제안
- Alternative Title
- A proposal for characterization of Ulsan city
- Abstract
- 문화의 세기, 디자인의 세기라고 일컬어지고 있는 21세기를 맞아 각 국가 및 지방자치단체에서는 그 행정의 기본개념을,
'규모의 행정'에서 '내용의 행정'으로
'양적인 행정'에서 '질적인 행정'으로
'획일적 행정'에서 '다양성의 행정'으로
'산업팽창적 행정'에서 '문화창조적 행정'으로
행정의 개념이 선진화되고 있는 추세에 있다.
본 연구에서는 한국의 대표적인 산업도시인 울산광역시가 새로운 21세기를 맞아 산업과 문화가 어우러지고 주민 하나하나가 문화적 삶을 향유한 수 있도록 울산광역시행정에 '디자인'을 제도적으로 도입할 수 있는 구체적인 행정 시스템을 제안하고자 한다.
행정의 본질이 주변의 '삶의 질'을 높이는데 있다면, 그 방법의 하나로서 행정에 디자인을 도입하는 것을 들 수 있다. 디자인의 제도적 도인은 주민의 행복지수를 높여 주민의 역량을 결집시킴으로써 지역경제를 보다 윤택하게 함은 물론, 도시특성화에 크게 기여할 수 있을 것이다.
도시특성화의 요소로서는 도시이미지의 특화, 도시경관의 특성과, 문화산업 및 지역산업의 특화 등이 있을 것이다. 본 연구에서는, 이러한 3가지 측면에서 국내외 적용사례들을 비교분석하고 울산광역행정에 적합한 구체적인 행정시스템을 제안하였다.
While facing 21th century called as century of culture and century of design, Each country and local self-government is being advanced while changing concept of administration from 'administration of scale' to 'administration of context', 'administration of quantity' to 'administration of quality', uniform administration to individual and various administration and 'administration of industrial expansion' to 'administration of cultural creation'
This paper has the purpose to suggest specific administrative system for Ul-San city to systematically induce 'design' to have representative industrial city, Ul-San city, to get the harmony of industry and culture and each of people to enjoy cultural life in the start of 21th century.
If the essence of administration is to increase 'quality of life', introduction of design to administration can be a good method, Systematic introduction of design can contribute to abundant local economy and characterization of city through increasing citizen's welfare and concentrating citizen's capacity.
As factors for characterization of city, there will be characterization of city image, characterization of city landscape and characterization of cultural industry and local industry.
This paper suggested specific administrative system suitable for Ul-San city through comparatively analyzing those examples from the view of 3 elements.
While facing 21th century called as century of culture and century of design, Each country and local self-government is being advanced while changing concept of administration from 'administration of scale' to 'administration of context', 'administration of quantity' to 'administration of quality', uniform administration to individual and various administration and 'administration of industrial expansion' to 'administration of cultural creation'
This paper has the purpose to suggest specific administrative system for Ul-San city to systematically induce 'design' to have representative industrial city, Ul-San city, to get the harmony of industry and culture and each of people to enjoy cultural life in the start of 21th century.
If the essence of administration is to increase 'quality of life', introduction of design to administration can be a good method, Systematic introduction of design can contribute to abundant local economy and characterization of city through increasing citizen's welfare and concentrating citizen's capacity.
As factors for characterization of city, there will be characterization of city image, characterization of city landscape and characterization of cultural industry and local industry.
This paper suggested specific administrative system suitable for Ul-San city through comparatively analyzing those examples from the view of 3 elements.
- Author(s)
- 임창빈
- Issued Date
- 2002
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/5408
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