Analysis of false-negative findings of breast cancer on previous magnetic resonance imaging
- Abstract
- Background: Despite the excellent contribution of contrast-enhanced breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), there are variable false-negative cases on MRI. Purpose: To evaluate the false-negative findings of breast cancer on previous MRI. Material and Methods: Between 2012 and 2016, we collected 132 patients who underwent surgery for a second primary cancer and had both current and previous MRI at an interval of <3 years. We included 45 patients; we excluded 38 patients who could not find a second cancer in the previous MRI and 49 patients who had a second cancer near to the original cancer and within within the same quadrant. Compared with current MRI, we retrospectively assessed the second primary cancer on previous MRI according to BI-RADS and analyzed the reasons of misinterpretation. Results: Analysis of previous MRI revealed 26 (57.8%) masses (mean size 7.7 ± 2.25 mm), 12 (26.7%) non-mass enhancements (mean size 14.7 ± 4.76 mm), and 7 (15.5%) foci. At first reading, 24 (53.3%) were missed, 17 (37.8%) were assessed as BI-RADS category 2 or 3, and 4 (8.9%) were assessed as category 4. On current MRI, 39 (86.7%) lesions showed an increase in size and 22 (48.9%) showed a change in kinetics to wash-out pattern. Conclusion: On previous MRI, missed or misinterpreted cancers show variable findings of mass and non-mass enhancements with any types of kinetics. Careful application of BI-RADS is necessary as well as an appropriate biopsy. Any lesion that increases in size and changes in kinetics should not be underestimated.
- Author(s)
- 김영은; 차주희; 김학희; 신희정; 채은영; 최우정
- Issued Date
- 2021
- Type
- Article
- Keyword
- Breast cancer; breast neoplasm; magnetic resonance imaging
- 10.1177/0284185120941830
- Publisher
- Location
- 영국
- Language
- 영어
- 0284-1851
- Citation Volume
- 62
- Citation Number
- 6
- Citation Start Page
- 722
- Citation End Page
- 734
Appears in Collections:
- Medicine > Medicine
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