雇傭形態 變化에 關한 硏究
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Change of Employment Pattern
- Abstract
- 現在와 같이 複雜化하고 多樣化한 時短制(Part time) 就業은 앞으로는 하나의 重要한 就業形態로 登場하기 때문에 經營者 側에서는 低廉한 勞動力이므로 雇傭에서는 매우 便利할 뿐 아니라 調整도 安易하게 될 것이다. 低廉한 勞動力으로 雇傭의 柔軟性을 追求하는 企業들은 經營上 合當한 勞動力을 選擇하지만 勞動條件 等에 關하여는 正規社員과의 格差를 改善할 諸般 對策을 講究할 必要가 있다.
As the diversification of employment is in progress, the employment of part-time workers is expanded and therefore the chief economic subjects like the employer, the union, the government, etc. need to have more interest about it. In order to examine the background of this pending question as a socio-economic problem and also cope with it positively, with relation to this new pattern of employment deeply penetrated into the labor market and existing employment system the proper measure for and the improvement about working conditions, etc. is necessary.
As the diversification of employment is in progress, the employment of part-time workers is expanded and therefore the chief economic subjects like the employer, the union, the government, etc. need to have more interest about it. In order to examine the background of this pending question as a socio-economic problem and also cope with it positively, with relation to this new pattern of employment deeply penetrated into the labor market and existing employment system the proper measure for and the improvement about working conditions, etc. is necessary.
- Author(s)
- 林義澤
- Issued Date
- 1998
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/3596
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