신인사제도의 이론모형과 적용사례연구

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The Theoretical Model of the New Personnel Management System and its Applied Empirical Case Study
기업환경이 급변함에 따라 새로운 조직혁신의 설계와 동시에 이에 알맞는 새로운 신인사제도의 적용이 요구되고 있다. 이 논문에서는 신인사제도의 구성을 위한 이론적 발전 모형을 제시하고 비록 현실절충적 고려를 하였지만 이를 D회사에 실제로 적용해 보는 현장의 경험사례를 제시하고 있다. 신인사제도는 앞으로 직능자격제와 집단성과급제의 비중이 높아지는 연봉급제의 방향으로 나아갈 필요가 있다. 직능자격제는 인력활용의 유연성과 인력개발, 노사갈등의 해소의 효과가 있고 또한 집단성과급제는 근로자 동기유발의 효과와 경영위기의 부담을 조직구성원들에게 분산시킬 수 있는 잇점이 있다.
The application of the New Personnel Management System which is congruent with the revolutionary Organization Design is recently required according to the drastically changing company's environment. In this paper, the theoretical developing model for making the New Personnel Management System is suggested and also applied to the actual workplace as an empirical case study even though it is somewhat compromised between ideal type and real situation.

The New Personnel Management System will be necessary to advance ahead toward the Total One-year Wage System emphasizing on the greater weight of the Skill-based Qualification Wage System and the Group Performance-based Wage System. The Skill-based Qualification Wage System will be helpful to facilitate the flexibility of manpower utilization and human resource development. In addition, the Group Performance-based Wage System will promote the worker's motivation and distibute the burdens of company's crisis to all the organization's members.
The application of the New Personnel Management System which is congruent with the revolutionary Organization Design is recently required according to the drastically changing company's environment. In this paper, the theoretical developing model for making the New Personnel Management System is suggested and also applied to the actual workplace as an empirical case study even though it is somewhat compromised between ideal type and real situation.

The New Personnel Management System will be necessary to advance ahead toward the Total One-year Wage System emphasizing on the greater weight of the Skill-based Qualification Wage System and the Group Performance-based Wage System. The Skill-based Qualification Wage System will be helpful to facilitate the flexibility of manpower utilization and human resource development. In addition, the Group Performance-based Wage System will promote the worker's motivation and distibute the burdens of company's crisis to all the organization's members.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Nam, Joong-Heon
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Journal of management
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