제로베이스패런다임의 이론적 성립배경과 특성 그리고 그 적용문제
- Alternative Title
- The theoretical backgrounds and particularities of the Zero Base Paradigm and its problems for application
- Abstract
- 소용돌이치며 급변하는 기업환경과 첨단기술 및 정보기술의 발달은 기존의 기업조직을 근본적으로 붕괴시키고 완전히 새로운 형태의 재구성을 시급히 요구하고 있다. 조직의 문화, 구조, 기술, 목적과 관리방식, 구성원들의 대인관계, 행위, 의식, 의사결정 등도 근본적으로 바뀌고 있다. 그리고 조직의 멤버쉽이나 조직의 내외의 경계마저도 거의 없어지며 수 많은 작은 팀형조직으로 핵분열함과 동시에 또한 이것이 모두 상호 긴밀한 신축성 있는 네트워크로 형성될 가능성이 많다. 이러한 후기산업사회의 변동에 대응하기 위하여 경영혁신 및 조직혁신은 기업이 생존하기 위하여 최고경영자의 감당해야 할 가장 중요한 전략이 되지 않을 수 없으며 제로베이스패러다임은 최고경영자의 새로운 인식의 틀 또는 사고방식을 표현하는 이론의 집합체라고 볼 수 있다. 이 논문에서는 이러한 제로배이스패러다임의 성립배경과 이론적 특성을 정리하고 이를 우리나라의 실정에 가장 알맞는 창의적인 이론으로 발전시키고 적용시키 위한 방법론을 제시하여 보려고 한 것이다.
The turbulent and drastic changing environment and the high technology and information technology are destroying all the existing enterprise's organizations from the bottom and they are demanding urgently to restructure those into the completely new style organizations. The organizational culture, structure, technology, management and human relationships, behaviors, consciousness, decision making and so on are also being changed fundamentally. and it is expected that the organizational membership and borders between inside and outside will also almost be disappeared and be segmented into many innumerable small team organizations and at the same time formed into flexible intimated network.
For the purpose of coping with these changing situations, the both of managerial innovation and organizational innovation will be sure to be the most important strategies for the top managers to have to undertake so that the enterprise may be able to survive in these difficult times. The Zero Base Paradigm is the group of theories which represent the new thinking methods and new thinking framework of top-managers.
In this article it was intended to summarize the theoretical backgrounds and particularities of this Zero Base Paradigm and to suggest the approach methodology it can be developed into and be applied as the creative theories most appropriate for our situations.
The turbulent and drastic changing environment and the high technology and information technology are destroying all the existing enterprise's organizations from the bottom and they are demanding urgently to restructure those into the completely new style organizations. The organizational culture, structure, technology, management and human relationships, behaviors, consciousness, decision making and so on are also being changed fundamentally. and it is expected that the organizational membership and borders between inside and outside will also almost be disappeared and be segmented into many innumerable small team organizations and at the same time formed into flexible intimated network.
For the purpose of coping with these changing situations, the both of managerial innovation and organizational innovation will be sure to be the most important strategies for the top managers to have to undertake so that the enterprise may be able to survive in these difficult times. The Zero Base Paradigm is the group of theories which represent the new thinking methods and new thinking framework of top-managers.
In this article it was intended to summarize the theoretical backgrounds and particularities of this Zero Base Paradigm and to suggest the approach methodology it can be developed into and be applied as the creative theories most appropriate for our situations.
- Author(s)
- 남중헌
- Issued Date
- 1994
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/3644
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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