미국과 유럽의 비교교육학 발달과정

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Trends of Comparative Education in United States and Western Europe
이 글은 2 차 세계대전 이후부터 현재까지의 비교교육학 발달과정을 간략하게 소개하였다. 방법론적인 변화와 패러다임 변화 그 자체에 대한 분석보다는 i) 타 학문 영역이 비교교육학의 패러다임 변화 과정에 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는가와 ii) 사회적 변화, 국제정세 변화, 그리고 시대적 상황등의 외적인 요인들이 비교교육학에 어떠한 영향을 주었는가를 설명하였다. 전반부는 미국과 유럽 비교교육학의 변천과정을 개관하였고 후반부에는 방법론의 변화에 초점을 두었??. 전체적으로 사회적 변화에 따른 연구관심 영역, 연구방법, 그리고 연구비 지원형태의 변화에 관심을 두었다.
This study reviews the development process of comparative education in the postwar period. It particularly attempts to describe and analyze societal factors that influenced comparative education. Main concerns are focused on (i) how other social and behavior sciences affect to the development of theoretical paradigm and methodology of comparative education, and (ii) how social change, international and national variations influence research topics and funding. The first part reviews the trends of comparative education in United States and Western Europe by taking analytical focuses on relationship between societal factors and comparative education. The second part ?? with methodologies and theoretical frameworks.

Comparative education have provided guidelines, models, or advice concerning educational policy or programs, particularly in 1950s and 1960s. Many scholars have had the proposition that education represents a major agent for the control of social change and economic development. This assumptions were criticized for theoretical uncertainty and lack of evidence later. The downturn of world economy of 1970s and neo-marxists' ideological alternative approaches influenced the theoretical framework and research concerns of comparative education. The 1970s was a decline period of comparative education due to the budgetary losses of government program and private foundations. By the middle of 1980s there was a modest increase of interest among educators in the international aspects of education as part of the excellence movement in education. Aid agencies showed signs of a renewal of interest in education. In more recent times, comparative education has become a much more international field. More third world scholars began to work in the field of comparative education, and research topics became more various.
This study reviews the development process of comparative education in the postwar period. It particularly attempts to describe and analyze societal factors that influenced comparative education. Main concerns are focused on (i) how other social and behavior sciences affect to the development of theoretical paradigm and methodology of comparative education, and (ii) how social change, international and national variations influence research topics and funding. The first part reviews the trends of comparative education in United States and Western Europe by taking analytical focuses on relationship between societal factors and comparative education. The second part ?? with methodologies and theoretical frameworks.

Comparative education have provided guidelines, models, or advice concerning educational policy or programs, particularly in 1950s and 1960s. Many scholars have had the proposition that education represents a major agent for the control of social change and economic development. This assumptions were criticized for theoretical uncertainty and lack of evidence later. The downturn of world economy of 1970s and neo-marxists' ideological alternative approaches influenced the theoretical framework and research concerns of comparative education. The 1970s was a decline period of comparative education due to the budgetary losses of government program and private foundations. By the middle of 1980s there was a modest increase of interest among educators in the international aspects of education as part of the excellence movement in education. Aid agencies showed signs of a renewal of interest in education. In more recent times, comparative education has become a much more international field. More third world scholars began to work in the field of comparative education, and research topics became more various.
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Research Laboratory
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울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Appears in Collections:
Research Laboratory > Journal of social science
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  • 공개 구분공개
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