소련의 소비에트제의 개혁

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Reform of the Soviet System of the USSR
브레즈네프 시대 이후 소련의 소비에트는 차츰 그 지위와 역할을 회복하였다. 고프바초프가 집권한 이후 페레스트로이카 정책은 소비에트제에 대하여도 큰 변화를 야기하였다. 그 정치개혁의 중심은 소비에트제의 개혁으로 나타났는데 1988년의 헌법개정은 바로 이를 반영한 것이었다.

비록 연방최고소비에트 의장에게 막강한 권한이 부여되는 하였으나 소비에트 기구에 실질적?? 권한과 중점이 주어짐으로써 국가권력의 최고기관이며 인민의 대표기관인 소비에트 기구의 지위가 크게 향상되었던 것이다. 이 지위는 1990년의 대통령제 헌법개정으로 다시 위축되지만, 짧은 기간동안 소련의 소비에트제는 소비에트 의회주의의 발전의 중요한 토대가 되었다고 할 수 있다.
After Breznhev era, the Soviets of the USSR have recovered their status and role more and more. Since Gorbachev seized political power, his Perestroika policy made a great change in the Soviet system. The center of political reform of Perestroika was the reform of the Soviet system, which brought about the Constitutional revision of 1988.

Although the Constitution gave strong powers to the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, it also gave the Soviet organs the substantive constitutional powers, and the status of the Soviet organs was risen largely as the highest bodies of state power and the representative bodies of the people.

The Constitutional revision of 1990, which introduced the presidential system, reduced vitality of the Soviet system more or less, but I think that the Soviet system of that time founded a important base of the development of the Soviet parliamentarism.
After Breznhev era, the Soviets of the USSR have recovered their status and role more and more. Since Gorbachev seized political power, his Perestroika policy made a great change in the Soviet system. The center of political reform of Perestroika was the reform of the Soviet system, which brought about the Constitutional revision of 1988.

Although the Constitution gave strong powers to the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, it also gave the Soviet organs the substantive constitutional powers, and the status of the Soviet organs was risen largely as the highest bodies of state power and the representative bodies of the people.

The Constitutional revision of 1990, which introduced the presidential system, reduced vitality of the Soviet system more or less, but I think that the Soviet system of that time founded a important base of the development of the Soviet parliamentarism.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Do, Hoe-Kun
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Journal of social science
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