蔚山 地域經濟發展을 위한 觀光産業의 活性化 方案

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A Study on Revitalizing Tourist Industry for the Development of the Local Economy of Ulsan
오늘날 관광산업은 1차 산업에서 4차 산업의 바탕 위에서 이루어지는 새로운 독자적 산업군으로 부상하고 있다. 이제 관광산업을 단순히 3차 산업인 서비스업의 일부분으로 이해할 것이 아니라 그 자체로 중요한 의미를 갖는 독자적 산업분야로 인?컸瞞? 한다. 관광산업은 지역경제발전 전략 측면 뿐만 아니라 국가경제 발전을 위한 전략적 산업으로 육성되고 있으므로 지방정부는 지역사회의 사회, 자연 및 문화적 제조건을 체계적으로 발굴하여 삶의 질을 향상하고 외화획득 등을 통한 지방재정 확충과 지역경제 발전을 꾀해야 한다.

본고에서는 관광개발은 자연의 파괴가 아닌 보존을 의미한다는 기본논리에 입각하여 울산의 관광개발의 현황과 문제 및 전망에 대해 논의하고 울산의 수려한 자연환경을 영역별로 개발하는 방안과 더불어 울산시 관광종합개발계획을 수정·보완할 수 있는 가능성도 모색하며, 관광객을 유치할 수 있는 조건과 유인책을 정책적 차원에서 제시하다.
Today, tourist industry emerging as a new independent industry. Tourist industry which is often referred to as fourth industry, should no longer be perceived as a part of tertiary industry. Rather, it should be categorized as an indepent industry which has its own importance. Since tourist industry is encouraged not only as a strategy for the development of local governments must systematically rediscover their social, natural, and cultural conditions and assets by which they can improve their quality of life and boost finance and economy.

This paper discusses the problems and prospect regarding the development of tourist industry of the city of Ulsan based on the principle that tourist industry means the preservation of nature, not the destruction of it. In addition, this paper searchs for plans to develop the excellent natural environment of Ulsan by different categories and seeks the possibilities of revising and supplementing the comprehensive tourist industry plans of the city. Finally, this paper suggests the conditions and strategies for attracting tourists.
Today, tourist industry emerging as a new independent industry. Tourist industry which is often referred to as fourth industry, should no longer be perceived as a part of tertiary industry. Rather, it should be categorized as an indepent industry which has its own importance. Since tourist industry is encouraged not only as a strategy for the development of local governments must systematically rediscover their social, natural, and cultural conditions and assets by which they can improve their quality of life and boost finance and economy.

This paper discusses the problems and prospect regarding the development of tourist industry of the city of Ulsan based on the principle that tourist industry means the preservation of nature, not the destruction of it. In addition, this paper searchs for plans to develop the excellent natural environment of Ulsan by different categories and seeks the possibilities of revising and supplementing the comprehensive tourist industry plans of the city. Finally, this paper suggests the conditions and strategies for attracting tourists.
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Research Laboratory
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울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Journal of social science
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