한반도 경제여건변화에 따른 남북경제협력의 새로운 방향모색

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A New Direction for Economic Cooperation of South-Norty Koreas Under the Asian Economic Crisis
본 연구에서는 현재의 남북의 대내·외적 환경을 특히 경제여건에 중점을 두어 시의성 있게 분석 평가하고, 남북경제협력이 남과 북의 자원적 한계에서 벗어날 수 있는 하나의 대안임을 분명히 하면서 현재 남북의 경제적 요인이 남북경제협력에 어떠한 영향을 끼칠것인가를 평가한 후 남북 경제협력을 활성화시킬 수 있는 새로운 정책방향을 모색하고 강구하는데 목적을 두었다.
As an effort to overcome the resource scarcity problem facing the South and North Korea, this study investigates the possibility of South-North economic cooperation.

Based on the understanding of current economic situations of the South and North Korea under the realities of Asian economic crisis, the study analyzes the effect of the situations on their economic cooperation and suggests a new policy direction which promotes a desirable economic cooperation between the countries.

It is a positive sign that the North Korea is trying to arrive at solutions to its economic difficulties through cooperation with South Korea business corporation. To secure peace and stability on the Korean peninsula, North Korea is required to demonstrate a sincere commitment to South-North economic cooperation framework, while South Korea needs to make every effort to keep the North Korea within the terms of the framework.
As an effort to overcome the resource scarcity problem facing the South and North Korea, this study investigates the possibility of South-North economic cooperation.

Based on the understanding of current economic situations of the South and North Korea under the realities of Asian economic crisis, the study analyzes the effect of the situations on their economic cooperation and suggests a new policy direction which promotes a desirable economic cooperation between the countries.

It is a positive sign that the North Korea is trying to arrive at solutions to its economic difficulties through cooperation with South Korea business corporation. To secure peace and stability on the Korean peninsula, North Korea is required to demonstrate a sincere commitment to South-North economic cooperation framework, while South Korea needs to make every effort to keep the North Korea within the terms of the framework.
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Research Laboratory
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울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Journal of social science
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