대학생의 초고층아파트 선호 경향

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Preferences for the Super-high-rise Apartments of College Students
본 연구는 초고층아파트가 미래 수요자들에게 어떠한 주거환경으로 인식되고 있는지를 알아보기 위해 수행되었다. 이를 위해 초고층아파트의 선호거주층수 및 선택시 고려사항을 연령, 현 주거유형, 거주기간, 주거가치를 포함하는 인구학적 특성 및 주거특성의 맥락에서 분석하였다.

조사결과에 따르면, 20대 대학생들로 구성되어진 조사대상자들은 11층 이상의 초고층을 선호하는 비율이 높아 기성세대에 비해 초고층아파트에 대한 부정적인 생각을 적게 가지고 있었으며, 주로 외부경관과 안전성을 중점 고려하여 초고층아파트를 선택하겠다고 하였다. 이는 대량공급으로 인한 초고층아파트에 대한 인식 변화와 함께 초고층아파트가 우리나라 주택문제 해결의 한 대안으로 무리없이 받아들여지고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이러한 상황에서 초고층아파트를 공급하는 건설업체들은 초고층아파트의 단점을 최대한 보완하면서, 장점은 극대화시킬수 있는 계획 방안을 다각적으로 모색하여야 한다.
The purpose of this study was to examine the factors related to the preferences for the super-high-rise apartment. The smaple consisted of 79 college students in Ulsan who are the prospective residents of super-high-rise apartments in the near future. It was found that almost half of the respondents prefer over 11 stories of the building. Age of the respondents, current structure type, and the interaction variables of current structure type and length of residence were shown to have significant effects on the preferences for the super-high-rise apartments. Safety and scenic view were the most important factors when choosing the levels of the buildings. Housing values of safety were significantly related to the psychological aspects of super-high-rise apartments.
The purpose of this study was to examine the factors related to the preferences for the super-high-rise apartment. The smaple consisted of 79 college students in Ulsan who are the prospective residents of super-high-rise apartments in the near future. It was found that almost half of the respondents prefer over 11 stories of the building. Age of the respondents, current structure type, and the interaction variables of current structure type and length of residence were shown to have significant effects on the preferences for the super-high-rise apartments. Safety and scenic view were the most important factors when choosing the levels of the buildings. Housing values of safety were significantly related to the psychological aspects of super-high-rise apartments.
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Research Laboratory
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울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Journal of human ecology
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  • 공개 구분공개
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