식이 지방산 및 비타민 E의 보충이 흰쥐 뇌조직 분획의 과산화정도에 미치는 영향
- Alternative Title
- Effect of Dietary Fatty Acid and Vitamin E Supplementation on Lipid Peroxidation in the Rat Brain
- Abstract
- 불포화지방산이 풍부하고 산소 소모량이 크며 철분 등의 산화촉진 요소를 갖추고 있는 뇌조직에서는 다른 어느 조직에서보다 free radical 형성이 활발히 일어날 수 있다. 이의 예방을 위해 항산화 효소들이 작용하며 항산화 비타민들 중 비타민 E의 역할이 큰 것으로 알려졌다 본 연구에서는 ω3 및 ω6계 지방산의 질적, 양적인 변화와 비타민 E의 보충이 뇌조직의 항산화체계에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다, 흰쥐를 대상으로 하여 ω3계 지방산 결핍군인 saflower oil(SO)군과 ω3계 지장산을 바람직한 비율로 공급한 mixed iol(MO, P/M/S ratio = 1.03: 1.45: 1, ω6/ω3 ratio = 6.3), 비타민 E를 보충시킨 (ME)식이로 임신되기 3-4주전부터 섭취시키고, 이로부터 출생한 제 2세대 쥐의 뇌조직을 전두피질(FC), 해마(H), 소뇌(CB), 선조체(CS)의 4부위로 나누어 비타민 E의 농도를 분석하였으며, 산패도의 지표인 MDA(Malondialdehyde)의 농도를 분석하였다.
뇌조직의 비타민 E의 농도는 MO군과 SO군을 비교하여 볼 때 우의적인 차이를 나타내지 않았고, 비타민 E를 하였을 때, 해마(H)에서만 유의적으로 증가하였고, 나머지의 부위에서는 영향을 받지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 죄조직 부위별 비타민 E의 농도를 비교하여보면 전두피질(FC)
The fact that docosahexaenoic acid(DHA ω3) and arachidonic acid(AA ω6) accumulate rapidily in phospholipids(PL) of cell membrane of the brain during development suggest that the avilability of these fatty acids during this time is crucial. There exists differences between species in terms of the time of the maximum growth of brain. The status of lactating rat is, therfore, similar to the preterm infant. Limited accretion of DHA &AA to brain lipids is known to be related to alterations in visual response and learning ability in rat. Brain is the organ with high PUFA and the consumption of oxygen is also very high. In normal aging process, because brain is highly vulunable to attack by oxygen free radicals, there must be efficient antioxidant systems to encounter oxidative stress.
The Sprague Dawley rats were fed the experimental diets 3-4 wks prior to the conception. Experimental diets were consisted of 10% fat(wt/wt) which were safflower oil(SO, poor in ω3 fatty acids), Mixed oil(MO, P/M/S ratio=1.03: 1.45: 1, ω6/ω3 ratio = 6.3), and Mixed oil supplemented with vitamin E (+500mg/kg). At 3 and 9 weeks of age, Frontal cortex(FC), Corpus striatum(CS), hippocampus(H), cerebellum(CB) were dissected out from the whole brain.
The concentration of vitamin E appeared to be higher in ME group, and the difference waws significant only in H region, generally thought to be the region of learning and memory. The concentration of vitamins appeared to be in the order of FC
The fact that docosahexaenoic acid(DHA ω3) and arachidonic acid(AA ω6) accumulate rapidily in phospholipids(PL) of cell membrane of the brain during development suggest that the avilability of these fatty acids during this time is crucial. There exists differences between species in terms of the time of the maximum growth of brain. The status of lactating rat is, therfore, similar to the preterm infant. Limited accretion of DHA &AA to brain lipids is known to be related to alterations in visual response and learning ability in rat. Brain is the organ with high PUFA and the consumption of oxygen is also very high. In normal aging process, because brain is highly vulunable to attack by oxygen free radicals, there must be efficient antioxidant systems to encounter oxidative stress.
The Sprague Dawley rats were fed the experimental diets 3-4 wks prior to the conception. Experimental diets were consisted of 10% fat(wt/wt) which were safflower oil(SO, poor in ω3 fatty acids), Mixed oil(MO, P/M/S ratio=1.03: 1.45: 1, ω6/ω3 ratio = 6.3), and Mixed oil supplemented with vitamin E (+500mg/kg). At 3 and 9 weeks of age, Frontal cortex(FC), Corpus striatum(CS), hippocampus(H), cerebellum(CB) were dissected out from the whole brain.
The concentration of vitamin E appeared to be higher in ME group, and the difference waws significant only in H region, generally thought to be the region of learning and memory. The concentration of vitamins appeared to be in the order of FC
- Author(s)
- 홍순명; 황혜진
- Issued Date
- 2000
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/4439
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