고체입자에 의한 이성분 액체용액의 흡착현상
- Alternative Title
- Adsorption from the binary liquid mixtures on solid particles
- Abstract
- 고체입자에 의한 이성분 액체용액의 등온흡착 평형상태에 대하여 열역학적 해석으로부터 흡착상의 활동도계수와 몰분율과의 관계를 정의하였다.
문헌에 의한 흡착평형 데이터를 이용하여 본 논문에서 정의된 이론적 관계로부터 계산된 흡착상의 활동도 계수는 열역학적으로 건전하였으며, 흡착상의 활동도 계수는 bulk상과 같이 Redlich-Kister식으로 표시될 수 있음을 알 수 있었다.
The relations between the activity coefficicient and the mole fraction in the adsorbed phase were obtained from the thermodynamic analysis on the adsorption equilibrium of the liquid mixtures on solids.
Activity coefficients in the absorbed phase were calculated from the teremodynamic relations obtained in this paper and were thermodynamically consistent.
The activity coefficients in the adsorbed phase were out to be well agreeable with Redlich-Kister equations.
The relations between the activity coefficicient and the mole fraction in the adsorbed phase were obtained from the thermodynamic analysis on the adsorption equilibrium of the liquid mixtures on solids.
Activity coefficients in the absorbed phase were calculated from the teremodynamic relations obtained in this paper and were thermodynamically consistent.
The activity coefficients in the adsorbed phase were out to be well agreeable with Redlich-Kister equations.
- Author(s)
- 김기창; 배영일
- Issued Date
- 1980
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/4533
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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