太和江 및 蔚山 沿海域의 水質 汚染度 調査 硏究(II)
- Alternative Title
- The investigation on the water pollution of the river, Taewha-gang and the sea water of Ulsan Coustal area
- Abstract
- 蔚山地域 水質의 汚染度를 調査硏究하였다.
19個 地點의 海水와 太和江에서 5個所 및 地下水를 包含한 3個의 試料 等 總 27個의 물 試料를 '81年 8月, 10月 및 '82年 2月에 各各 採取하여 22個 成分씩 分析하였다.
蔚山海域 海水中의 金屬(구리, 철, 카드뮴, 아연, 납, 망간)含量은 大洋에서의 값보다 數倍 乃至는 數千倍까지 成分에 따라 높은 結果를 보였다. 汚染의 尺度로서 引用되고 있는 生物學的 酸素要求量(BOD)은 장생포만 海水가 年中 2.4乃至 3.3ppm을 유지하고 있어서 바닷물 중에는 가장 汚染이 甚한 地域으로 나타났다. 太和江 下流는 BOD가 4ppm 以上이며 最高 8.51ppm으로 測定이되어 심각한 汚染狀態를 보여 주었다.
Water quality of Ulsan area has been investigated.
Total number of 27 water samples including 19 seawater, 5 from the river, Taewha-gang and 3 of underground water have been sampled in August and october 1981, and February 1982 respectively and determined 22 components for each of the samples.
In general, the metal contents (Cu, Fe, Cd, Zn, Pb, Mn) in seawater of Ulsan area have been appeared as high as 3 to a few thousand times higher than the ones in ocean.
the sea water of Changsaeng Po bay seemed to remain the biological oxygen demand(BOD) of 2.4~3.3ppm throughout the year. The most seriously polluted area was the downstream of the river, Taewha-gang with the BOD of 4.53-8.51ppm.
Water quality of Ulsan area has been investigated.
Total number of 27 water samples including 19 seawater, 5 from the river, Taewha-gang and 3 of underground water have been sampled in August and october 1981, and February 1982 respectively and determined 22 components for each of the samples.
In general, the metal contents (Cu, Fe, Cd, Zn, Pb, Mn) in seawater of Ulsan area have been appeared as high as 3 to a few thousand times higher than the ones in ocean.
the sea water of Changsaeng Po bay seemed to remain the biological oxygen demand(BOD) of 2.4~3.3ppm throughout the year. The most seriously polluted area was the downstream of the river, Taewha-gang with the BOD of 4.53-8.51ppm.
- Author(s)
- 兪光植; 朴商潤; 梁聖奉; 金石鉉
- Issued Date
- 1982
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/4796
- 공개 및 라이선스
- 파일 목록
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