Feebly open sets and feebly-continuity in topological spaces
- Alternative Title
- Feebly 개집합과 feebly 연속성에 대하여
- Abstract
- [6]에서 Maheshwari가 정의한 feebly개집합에 관한 여러 가지 성질과 또 약화된 연속함수, feebly-연속함수들에 관한 여러 가지 성질을 알아내고 feebly연속되기 위한 필요충분 조건을 알아본다.
Maheshwari [6] defined a feebly poen set and introduced a notion of feebly-continuity. The purpose of this note is to investigate their properties and to find the necessary and sufficient conditions for a mapping to be feebly continuous.
Maheshwari [6] defined a feebly poen set and introduced a notion of feebly-continuity. The purpose of this note is to investigate their properties and to find the necessary and sufficient conditions for a mapping to be feebly continuous.
- Author(s)
- Lee, Do Won; Chae, Gyu Ihn
- Issued Date
- 1984
- Type
- Research Laboratory
- https://oak.ulsan.ac.kr/handle/2021.oak/4971
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