울산대학교 기념품 개발에 관한 연구

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Study of The Memento for U.O.U.-focus on computer accessory
과학기술의 진보에 따른 경제적인 풍요는 인간의 생활을 보다 여유 있게 바꿔 놓았고 그에 따른 소비자의 소비패턴도 매우 복잡 다양하게 되어 이제는 상품의 가치척도가 더이상 가격, 기능, 품질의 문제가 아니라 문화적, 사회적인 상징적 의미로 변화되고 있는 현실이다. 여타 제품도 마찬가지이겠지만 특히 기념품에 있어 그 상징성은 매우 의미가 크다 하겠다.

대학교의 기념품은 대학의 대내외적인 홍보효과, 대학구성원의 학교에 대한 자긍심 고취, 나아가 대학문화의 다양한 가치제고에 역할을 한다고 하겠다.

본 연구는 현 울산대학교 기념품의 실태를 알아보고 더불어 복잡 다양한 소비욕구에 대응할 수 있는 컨셉트의 기념품을 제안함으로써 급??하는 현대사회에 있어 하나의 브랜드 개발로서의 가능성을 타진하여 보고, 브랜드의 아이덴티티(identity)와 이미지를 통해 대학구성원의 자아 및 주체성 확립에 도움을 주고자 한다.
In accordance with the advancement of scientific technology, economic wealth has changed human life into one of more comfort and the acquisition pattern of consumers has become more complicated accordingly. Therefore, the value standards for products are not price, function, and quality anymore, but symbolic ones that have cultural and social meanings. Especially, that souvenirs have symbolic meaning is very significant.

Souvenirs of universities take the role of a PR effect inside and outside universities, enhancing pride in the students, and improvement in various values of university culture.

This study conducted a fact-finding survey on souvenirs of Ulsan University and provided a concept of souvenirs that corresponds to the complicated and varied acquisition demands. By doing so, this study aims to determine the possibility of developing a souvenir as a brand and thereby contribute to establishing self-identity of the students through the identity and image of the brand.
In accordance with the advancement of scientific technology, economic wealth has changed human life into one of more comfort and the acquisition pattern of consumers has become more complicated accordingly. Therefore, the value standards for products are not price, function, and quality anymore, but symbolic ones that have cultural and social meanings. Especially, that souvenirs have symbolic meaning is very significant.

Souvenirs of universities take the role of a PR effect inside and outside universities, enhancing pride in the students, and improvement in various values of university culture.

This study conducted a fact-finding survey on souvenirs of Ulsan University and provided a concept of souvenirs that corresponds to the complicated and varied acquisition demands. By doing so, this study aims to determine the possibility of developing a souvenir as a brand and thereby contribute to establishing self-identity of the students through the identity and image of the brand.
Issued Date
Research Laboratory
Alternative Author(s)
Baek, Woon-Ho
울산대학교 저작물은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다.
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Research Laboratory > Journal of design
공개 및 라이선스
  • 공개 구분공개
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